Tuesday 18 April 2023

Terminator Miniature Game: Expansion Minis

As I make my way through the rather large backlog of miniatures it was time to finish off Terminator: Genisys.  Love or hate the film it did produce a great range of miniatures and a game from River Horse Games.  I painted up all of the future war miniatures previously but hadn't touched 1984 onward (yet the most iconic characters are all present here).

For painting I used the technique I started with the Hellboy miniatures; a black prime with an over spray of gray and a dry brush of off white, then a mix of contrast/speed paints were used in conjunction with standard acrylic and metallic paints (so a spin on what is now universally know as slap chop).
I find that this way of painting still produces good results for tabletop standard while being faster to achieve than the traditional base coat/wash/highlight method.

Next up on the painting are the Terminator: Rise Of The Resistance miniatures seeing as I'm on a roll.

I'll be back...


T-800 rescuing a young Sarah Connor

Young Sarah being carried by a T-800

T-800 "I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"


Older Pops on a hospital visit

That wasn't a teddy bear

Older Pops battle damaged

Pops fighting the T-3000

John T-3000 Connor

The duel

The duel

Sarah Connor with T-800 head

Sarah Connor

Sarah Connor

1984 Kyle Reese

1984 Cop

1984 Cop

1984 Cop

1984 Co... T-1000

T-72 Mobile Gun Platform

HK-8 Flying Drone

Skynet Spider Tank

Skynet Spider Tank